
채팅용 줄임말 (영어)

MagicCafe 2022. 11. 12. 23:14

LMAO: ‘laughing my ass off’의 줄임말, ‘엉덩이가 날아갈 버릴 정도로 웃다’ You can consider LMAO a bolder version of LOL

LOL: ‘laugh out loud’의 줄임말로, ‘크게 웃다’.

LML: Laughing mad aloud

ROFL: ‘rolling on the floor laughing’의 줄임말, ‘바닥에서 구르면서 웃다’

ATM: at the moment,바로 지금

BTW: by the way, 그런데

CYA: See you later. 나중에 봐

Hagd: have a good day. 

MYOB: mind your own business. 너 일에나 신경 써

YGTBKM: you’ve got to be kidding me.

IMHOin my humble opinion, 제 소견으로는

TYSM: thank you so much.

 TTYL: talk to you later.

SUL: see you later.

SUP: what’s up?

UW: you’re welcome.

LTNS: long time no see. 오랜만이네

KEK : keke, 하하

출처:구글 이미지


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